August 4, 2022

We are studying

Content in social media is so diverse. Each of us creates it, looks for different information and finds something different. We are very lucky that Ilze Švarcbaha from Every Good Idea cares about social media and content in general. We care about it, too, and it is important to learn how to address our target audience.

In the first lesson, we learned the theory of creating useful content for social media - it must be entertaining, educational or inspiring. Pretty simple, right? 😂 This time, Ilze had prepared very practical lessons for us. We not only applied theoretical aspects, but also develop our creative ideas. In order for the lessons not to be abstract, Ilze had created worksheets with our own events. Each of us had to come up with social media content for one of our events in three ways: how to present information in an entertaining, educational and inspiring way. And here are those serious faces and steaming heads... 🤯

But the result was fantastic - we created so many different ideas! The best thing is that while learning, we did the work ahead 😇

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