September 11, 2022

The second art master class for young people

After the summer vacation, September has begun - some of the young people have returned to their educational institution, for some this is a time of excitement in a new educational institution. However, on this Sunday, which was the third meeting for young people and the second meeting with art therapist Linda Zunde in the art master class, was noticeable the joy of meeting again and a sense of security about what was happening.

This time, Linda surprised by working with clay. For someone it was a first acquaintance, for someone a reunion. Today's first task was for young people to create their dream island in groups. At first, they have to get used to clay, dirty hands and learn the principles of rolling and shaping clay, then they have to build together the common island of dreams. The created islands prove that the creativity and imagination of young people is so rich and diverse and the created dream islands are so different and beautiful. The execution of the second task - a vessel in the shape of one's palm - went much more smoothly for the young people, because everyone had to make their own palm vessel and the skills of making clay had already been mastered.

As a memory of the art master class together with Linda, the young people will be able to receive back the vessel they created in the shape of their hand, after firing it in a ceramic kiln.

Thanks to Linda Zunde for the creative and various art master classes!

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